Craig Wilkins with ZCell batteries at Conservation SA

Pictured above: Craig Wilkins with ZCell batteries at Conservation SA

Conservation SA showcases ZCell

  • Customer: Conservation Council of SA (Conservation SA)
  • Location: 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide, South Australia
  • Storage: 2 x 10 kWh ZCell batteries

As the stateā€™s peak environmental organisation, the Conservation Council of South Australia (Conservation SA) seeks to lead by example. As well as installing 13 kilowatts (kW) of photovoltaic solar panels on the roof of its central Adelaide office to reduce its carbon emissions and power costs, Conservation SA deployed two 10 kilowatt-hours (kWh) ZCell batteries from Redflow to extend those benefits and to provide a backup energy supply during power blackouts.

Environmental organisation Conservation SA installed ZCell batteries to showcase the benefits of environmentally friendly energy storage and to guarantee energy supplies during power blackouts. Conservation SA marked the first commercial property installation of a ZCell-based energy storage system. The two zinc-bromine flow batteries allow the not-for-profit organisation to store energy collected from a 13 kilowatt (kW) array of Tindo solar panels on the roof of its Adelaide CBD building, The Joinery.

The Australian-developed ZCell is a unique 10 kWh zinc-bromine flow battery that ā€˜timeshiftsā€™ solar power from day to night, stores off-peak power for peak demand periods and supports off-grid systems. As well as providing backup power for Conservation SAā€™s emergency lighting and first-floor data centre, the ZCells also recharge a GoGet hybrid electric vehicle, based at the site.

Assisted by a $5000 battery rebate from the Adelaide City Council, Conservation SA installed the ZCell energy storage system to demonstrate the effectiveness of on-site energy storage that was environmentally friendly. ZCells are made from elements that are easily recyclable or reusable.

Conservation SA CEO Craig Wilkins said the organisation was leading by example. ā€œWith Redflow ZCell batteries and Tindo Solar panels, we can seriously reduce our carbon emissions,ā€ he said. ā€œThis is a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate this exciting new technology. As part of our work here at The Joinery, we look to showcase to SA the next generation of energy technology, such as these ZCell batteries. They also help us as a not-for-profit organisation to reduce our power bills.ā€

The Conservation SA installation at 111 Franklin Street comprises two ZCell batteries connected via a 5kW Victron inverter. The 52 x 250-watt Tindo Solar photovoltaic panels on the buildingā€™s roof charge the ZCells through a Fronius solar inverter, as well as directly supplying a substantial proportion of the daytime energy needs of the building. The flexible energy system is easily expanded in the future.

Installer Colin Lord from Sustainable Works said the Conservation SA installation allowed detailed monitoring of the buildingā€™s energy use. ā€œUsing ZCellā€™s Battery Management System (BMS) interfaced to the Victron CCGX energy management unit, Conservation SA can see how much energy is used by the building and the electric car and how much mains power is offset by the batteries,ā€ he said.

Download and read the full Conservation SA case study by clicking hereļ»æ.

ā€œWith Redflow ZCell batteries and Tindo Solar panels, we can seriously reduce our carbon emissions.ā€ 

Craig Wilkins

Conservation SA CEO


+ 61 7 3376 0008
[email protected]ļ»æ

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