19 MAY 2021

Redflow attends National Renewables in Agriculture Conference in Dubbo this week


Redflow’s Regional Director, Sales, Warwick Forster

Redflow is attending the National Renewables in Agriculture Conference and Expo 2021 in Dubbo this week, Wednesday, May 19, to further explore opportunities for its flow batteries in the farming sector.

Redflow’s Regional Director, Sales, Warwick Forster will represent the company at the agricultural energy expo to highlight the successes the company has achieved in supplying batteries for rural customers throughout the country. The full-day event is running at the Dubbo Regional Theatre and Convention Centre. #renewablesinag

Last month, Redflow’s largest investor Simon Hackett revealed he had deployed a Redflow-based rural microgrid that delivers energy independence for buildings and equipment on his family farm in northwest Tasmania.

Late last year, Redflow’s Melbourne-based partner Seven20 Electrical shipped its first PowerCube, which contains six Redflow batteries to The Pines Kiama, a family-run micro-dairy on the South Coast of NSW.

Previously, WA stockfeed supply company Semini Custom Feeds ordered a 60-battery Large Scale Battery (LSB) – Australia’s largest Redflow-based energy storage system – to cut its fuel and energy costs by 80 per cent.

Earlier last year, a WA orchard beat bushfire blackouts by installing Redflow batteries to take the property fully off-grid after losing power during fierce bushfires that summer, making it energy-independent all-year-round.


+ 61 7 3376 0008
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