Redflow batteries keep the power on for medical centre in Victoria
Last week, when Victoria and South Australia experienced extensive power outages due to high winds and storms, Redflow batteries played a vital role in supporting our customer James Bishop and his Longevity Medical Centre in Melbourne.
Providing the power needed to keep his fridges running – saving all the COVID and standard vaccines from spoiling – enabled James to keep this critical facility operational, continuing the rollout of vaccinations and medical appointments. He could also help nearby pharmacies and GP clinics by safely storing their vaccines at from two to eight degrees.
“This was the longest power outage we have had since the batteries were installed,” said James. “Our cold chain was maintained perfectly, and my medical practice was able to operate specifically due to your (Redflow) help and equipment while almost all other businesses were unable to open.”
After a number of unexpected power cuts disrupted patient care, James’ energy storage solution was installed in 2017. Two 10 kilowatt-hour (kWh) batteries store the energy from his rooftop solar panels, which were installed the previous year.
Figure: Our remote monitoring shows the grid power was out between 6.58am and 11.27am and during that time the batteries provided the majority of the power required for the business to continue operating.
“They have kept the lights on and more than halved energy costs due to the battery management system prioritising the use of solar and off-peak power,” explained James.
“The batteries have paid for themselves 20 times over and having the peace of mind that I have a reliable power source 24/7 in invaluable to me as a business owner.”
Redflow zinc-bromine batteries are designed for high cycle-rate, medium to long-duration energy storage applications in commercial, industrial and telecommunications sectors and are scalable from a single battery installation through to grid-scale deployments.
Redflow’s smart, self-protecting batteries offer unique advantages including secure remote management, 100 per cent daily depth of discharge, tolerance of high ambient temperatures, a simple recycling path, no propensity for thermal runaway and sustained energy delivery throughout their operating life.
In addition, the battery’s hibernation mode allows a fully charged battery to store energy for weeks or months with no self-discharge requirements, providing valuable flexibility to address variations in renewable energy generation and customer requirements.
+ 61 7 3376 0008
[email protected]
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