13 AUGUST 2021

SolarQuotes interviews Redflow battery pioneer Simon Hackett on the rise of the battery

Australia’s most visited solar-specific website SolarQuotes has published a video interview with Redflow’s largest shareholder and system integration architect Simon Hackett on the rise of the battery.


Australia’s most visited solar-specific website SolarQuotes has published a video interview with Redflow’s largest shareholder and system integration architect Simon Hackett on the rise of the battery.

In the interview, which starts at 17 minutes and 40 seconds in the SolarQuotes TV video below, SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock describes Simon as “one of the founding fathers of Australia’s battery industry”.

“Now, for our Solar Tech this month, I’m giving my two minutes to one of the pioneers of Australia’s battery industry, Simon Hackett from Redflow,” explains Finn.

As well as explaining the benefits of Redflow’s zinc-bromine flow batteries, Simon shows the Redflow LSB (Large Scale Battery) he has installed at his Adelaide business precinct, Base64, and the large energy storage system he has installed at his farm, The Vale, in northern Tasmania.

To watch Simon’s interview in the SolarQuotes Rise of the Battery report, click on the video below:


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