Accelerating a carbon-free future

Redflow is leading the renewable energy transition by delivering one of the world’s safest and cleanest energy storage solutions.

Sustainable energy storage

Redflow’s zinc bromine flow battery is one of the world’s safest, scalable and most sustainable energy storage solutions in the market.

The battery offers a long-life design and chemistry that makes use of cost-effective, abundant, fire-safe, and low toxicity materials. Redflow’s batteries are ideal for extended duration applications in a wide range of commercial installations and multi-megawatt hour storage deployments.

Our products

Flow Battery

Redflow’s ZBM3 flow battery is the world’s smallest commercially available zinc-bromine flow battery.


Energy Pod

This modular energy storage system is designed for scalable commercial, industrial and utility applications.

Global delivery

With deployments around the world, Redflow can meet your storage needs wherever you are.
MWh of energy stored
Number of active deployments
Tonnes of CO2 offset
(*based on 1000g CO2 per kWh)

International energy storage

In 2021 Redflow delivered its largest project to date, a 2MWh energy storage system in California, USA.

Recent news

"If you look past lithium ion, probably zinc is the next metal that’s the most popular for energy storage, and it does appear to be able to provide performance equal to or better than lithium

Mike Gravely, California Energy Commission Forbes

"California Sees Zinc as Likely Successor to Lithium Ion in Energy Storage", 6 October 2020


+ 61 7 3376 0008
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